Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

There was a present this morning! I was surprised to learn that the Hartford Courant published A Kiss. My Dad bought that painting! I'm playing one his favorite songs, Once in a Lifetime. When I was a kid he used to play the Talking Heads SO LOUD. Once he turned to me while we were dancing around the living room. In the middle of boogying he stopped and said, "Shani, this is me. The water underground." [resume boogying.] Hydrogeology is one of his hats.
It's pretty cool that this painting is all around today! Tomorrow of course is the Summer Solstice, celebration of the timeless Sun. The Masculine principle. The Man. Hummingbird is a symbol for timelessness. And here he is flying around on Father's Day as it rings in the Summer Solstice! Go buddy go!


  1. Heres to Big Daddy, Hydrogeology, Hummingbird and all your Paintings flying under the Timeless Sun!
    How cool Man, Love the pic!

  2. Congratulations Shannon! Love the new look of the Blog too. Fantabulous.
