Sunday, May 23, 2010


There's all these foods for the starving herded masses, bless us. The bind doesn't hold us anymore. And the boxes don't have to stay.

Flowerscape by Yvonna Coomber

If we be what we swallow- I like us all water, magic herbs, royal silver and gold, sprouts, flowers, olives, and honey. Bright green twinkles, wise rooted things. And berries. Roses. Moss and Seagrasses. Peaches. And sunshine, moonlight, star twinkle, and Love. Yeah.

Isn't this a beautiful painting? I like to be in beautiful things. Even though they make me feel like a gutted fish. Or like the moment just before breaking through the water into the air to breath. One half moment before. Or like a drunk bumble bee. "Bee, look at you. You are already a drunk pollen dizzy mess and you're trying to get more?" Bzzzyeah!

Right now I'm an octopus flopped out, washed out on the sand planning the exquisite walk I'm sure to be taking down the beach. For a couple weeks- been envisioning different versions of the new big piece for the One Night Show in November. The imagination experience is sort of like the time my Dad was chasing us with tickles as a tiny kid. I got so excited I ran into a door and knocked myself out! Then I woke up in my Mother's arms.


  1. It's a beautiful painting. And ya know i did want to taste it, just for a second... yes i wanted to consume the colors and touch the canvas... I want to cast myself into your colorful magic and just be there...
    So I did. Thanks. Twas fantastic umm humm!!!

  2. Thank you for the rememberance!
    ...Oh It is so awesome that we can feel like a gutted fish and run smack into doors and beauty remains forever giving...and that a fish out of water and an octopus washed out on the sand, and all humans venturing outside the box have the capacity to walk any shore...yep right on You!

    Hmmm...I am tuning up my taste buds...looks like frosting but I am sure it's a multi-dimensional magic herbs and star twinkles.

    The New Big piece and show are being supported by and held in all our Big Mothers arms, give em' a deep squeeze of thanks from us next time they pop in!

    Love, Chatty C.C.

  3. Colorful Magic suits you, Suzette. Thank you for playing! ;)

    Thank you Chatty Birdie- I will pass along those hugs- my favorite!
